
Can vaginal yeast infection be reoccurring?

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Can vaginal infections be reoccurring?

Inflammation, discharge, and severe itching around the vagina and the vulva are symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection, which is a a fungal infection. Up to 3 out of 4 women will have vaginal yeast infection, also known as vaginal candidiasis, throughout their lives. Most women have two or more episodes of this infection. The term "sexually transmitted infection" does not include vaginal yeast infections. However, the first time you have frequent intercourse, your chance of getting a vaginal yeast infection increases. Additionally, there is some evidence to suggest that mouth-to-genital contact might cause vaginal infections (oral-genital sex).

Yeast infections can affect people of any age. We'll examine the factors that contribute to persistent yeast infections as well as the actions you may take to treat and avoid the most typical recurrent yeast infections. Yeast infections that come back four or more times a year are referred to as recurrent yeast infections.

If the body's internal environment is conducive to yeast overgrowth, chronic yeast infections may result. Healthy microbes must be present in the body in a balanced ratio. This is when foods like yoghurt with live cultures or probiotic pills may be useful. Some individuals believe that while this isn't recognised as a proven therapy for yeast infections, it can assist to support healthy vaginal flora.

The following list of mild to moderate symptoms of a yeast infection:


-Vaginal and vulvar itchiness and irritation

- Aburning feeling, particularly during sexual activity or during urinating

-Vulva's redness and swelling

-Pain and discomfort in the vagina

-Vaginal rash

-A thick, white, odourless discharge from the cervix that resembles cottage cheese

-watery vaginal discharge

There is little evidence to support the hypothesis that specific foods or diets encourage the development of yeast and cause repeated infections. A rigid diet doesn't appear to be effective in preventing them, according to the research that has been done. Your doctor can assist you in determining the cause of your symptoms, particularly if it's another illness or a medical condition. The greatest approach to receive the finest care and experience relief is through an accurate diagnosis.

vaginal infection vaginal care STI