
Genital Herpes: Symptoms and Prevention

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Genital Herpes: Symptoms and Prevention

Genital herpes is a very common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by simplex virus (HSV). It usually shows very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. Some people can get pain or itching around their genitalia, anus or mouth. The symptoms can usually clear up on their own but can come back.

How does genital herpes spread?

Genital herpes spreads through vaginal, oral or anal sex with someone having the infection. It usually spreads through:

  • Exchange of genital fluids from an infected partner having genital herpes
  • The saliva of the person with an oral herpes infection
  • Transfer of the infection by touching your genitals after touching the infected area of the partner 
  • Sharing sex toys with someone with herpes infection
  • Skin around the genital area of a person infected with genital herpes.
  • The Skin around oral area infected with oral herepes

Herpes does not spread through toilet seats or swimming pools. It doesn't spread from touching objects like soap, towels or utensils.

Genital Herpes: Symptoms and Prevention

How to check if you have genital herpes?

Usually most of the people with genital herpes infection show mild to no symptoms. Because of this the person is unaware that they have a genital herpes infection and can mistake the mild symptoms for a pimple or other mild skin condition. Herpes infection can be seen as blisters around the genitals, anus or mouth. The symptoms may start about 2 to 12 days after the exposure to the simplex virus. There can be the appearance of flu-like symptoms after the first exposure. You may get fever, headaches, and body aches.

Other symptoms can include:

  • Pain, soreness or itching around the genitals
  • Blisters that rupture and ooze forming painful ulcers
  • Presence of one or more blisters around the anus, genitals or mouth 
  • Pain during urination
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge 
  • Getting discharge from urethra

How to protect yourself from genital herpes infection: 

  • Always use a condom during vaginal, anal or oral sex and make sure the condom perfectly covers the infected area because the infection can still pass from skin to skin contact with the infected area.
  • soreness or blisters 
  • Not sharing sex toys
  • Avoiding sex of any kind if you or your partner has any symptoms like 
  • Getting regular STI check ups with your partner 

If you see any of the symptoms of genital herpes, do consult Gytree experts.

Genital Herpes