
Signs that tell , you need to visit a gynaecologist

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Signs that tell , you need to visit a gynaecologist

Googling your symptoms can give you stress because google exaggerates everything. One should never self diagnose and take medication on advice of any random website on Google. But if not Google then what? Sexual health and periods are something we don't want to take risk but how can you know that you need to visit a gynaecologist.

Here are a few signs that you must look for :

1. Periods:

Signs that tell , you need to visit a gynaecologist
  • If you have missed your dates or if you have an irregular cycle you might be suffering from PCOS 
  • If you feel your flow is abnormal
  • Excess cramps
  • Breast soreness 
  • Severe Headache 

2. Sex:

Signs that tell , you need to visit a gynaecologist
  • If you have problems related to orgasm 
  • If sex is extremely painful for you 
  • Lack of sex desire 
  • If you think you might have STI
  • Abnormal Vaginal dryness 

3. Vaginal Discharge:

Signs that tell , you need to visit a gynaecologist
  • Itchy vagina 
  • Foul smell
  • Abnormal vulva structure
  • Sudden change in the quantity of discharge
  • Abnormal discharge 

4. Breast: 

Signs that tell , you need to visit a gynaecologist
  • Soreness 
  • Tender breast 
  • Unusual lumps 
  • Unusual discharge
  • Abnormal main
  • Excessive pain during periods 

These are a few signs to look out for. If you find anything unusual it’s always better not to ignore and take a doctor’s advice.

vaginal itching When to visit a gynaecologist normal periods how to know if my periods are not normal heavy periods why am I having smelly vaginal discharge Sexual health