
Top 5 iron rich foods for vegetarians! Easy ways to include iron in your diet!

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Top 5 iron rich foods for Indian women

The major job of the mineral iron, which is a component of red blood cells, is to transport oxygen throughout the body. Being a vital nutrient, you must obtain it from diet. The DV (daily value) is 18 milligrammes per day.It's interesting to note that how much iron you have stored influences how much of it your body absorbs. If your intake is insufficient to make up for the quantity you lose each day, a deficit may result. Fatigue is one of the signs of anaemia, which is brought on by iron deficiency. Women who are menstruating and don't eat meals high in iron are particularly at risk for iron deficiency. Thankfully, in india there are many iron rich foods for vegetarians to help you achieve your daily nutritional iron requirements.

Top 5 iron rich foods for Indian women

Here are 5 sources of iron for vegetarians:



Despite having relatively little calories, spinach has multiple health advantages. Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin C and non-heme iron, which seems to be  poorly absorbed  by the body. This is still important because vitamin C improves iron absorption. Carotenoids, which are rich in spinach, may lessen your risk of getting cancer, reduce inflammation, and protect your eyes from sickness.


The nutrients in legumes are abundant. Among the most well-liked varieties of legumes are beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, and soybeans. Folate, magnesium, and potassium are all nutrients that are abundant in legumes.

Pumpkin seeds

A delightful and convenient snack are pumpkin seeds.1.5 ounces (28 grams) of pumpkin seeds have 2.5 milligrammes of iron in them, or 14% of the daily value. Pumpkin seeds also contain a significant amount of zinc, manganese, and vitamin K. Additionally, they are among the top suppliers of magnesium, which many individuals lack.



Broccoli belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family, along with cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, and cabbage. Glucosinolates, indole, and sulforaphane are plant chemicals found in cruciferous vegetables that are thought to prevent cancer.


In addition, thiamine and a number of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and selenium, are present in tofu in good amounts. Isoflavones, which are unique substances found in tofu, have been associated with enhanced insulin sensitivity, a lower risk of heart disease, and relief from menopausal symptoms.

Since your body cannot generate iron on its own, you must consistently consume this essential element. Remember that if you feel any symptom of iron deficiency consult a doctor.

Sources of iron Nutrition