Trichomoniasis or Trich is a common sexually transmitted infection ( STI) that is caused by a parasite, trichomonas vaginalis. In women, trichomoniasis might cause a foul smelling vaginal discharge, very painful urination and genital itching. Pregnant women with trichomoniasis have higher risk of giving birth to premature babies.
Trich might spread during sexual intercourse via in semen (cum) and vaginal fluids. It derives its name from the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, which inturn causes the infection.
One might have a trich and might not know about it. Trich is very contagious, that means one might unknowingly infect others through sexual contact.
Symptoms of Trichomoniasis infection:
About more than half of people with the infection do not have any signs or symptoms. Some people might get symptoms within five to twenty eight days after getting the infection. Others might not develop symptoms until much later. Symptoms could come and go.
- Thin or at times even foamy white, yellow or greenish vaginal discharge that might have a bad odour.
- Irritation, redness or soreness around the opening of the vagina.
- Discomfort or pain during intercourse or while peeing.
Causes of Trichomoniasis:
A small parasite known as Trichomonas vaginalis causes trich. Once the person has the infection, they might give trich to someone else through:
- Oral sex.
- Anal sex.
- Vaginal intercourse.
- Genital touching (skin to skin contact without any ejaculation).
One could not spread trich by sharing food and drinks, holding hands, kissing, or through other nonsexual forms of contact.
In addition to affecting the genitals, trich might also infect the mouth, hands and anus.
Diagnosis of Trichomoniasis:
- Physical exam: The doctor would examine the genitals and discuss if the person has any symptoms. It might also include a pelvic exam. Usually, the provider would get a sample of the discharge using a cotton swab during this test. The doctor might notice the cervix looks like a strawberry. A "strawberry cervix" is an indicative of trich infection.
- Lab test: The doctor examines a sample of the vaginal discharge under a microscope so as to check for the signs of infection. trichomonas when not seen through a microscope is sent for a lab test.
When the person has trichomoniasis, the doctor might want to test one for other STIs.
In a few cases, the doctor might prescribe antibiotics without an exam. This is typically the only case when the sexual partner has the infection and the other person engages in sexual contact with them while they have it.
Trichomoniasis Treatment:
Antibiotic medications such as metronidazole and tinidazole clear up the infection in most people. The doctor would give one pill to swallow, either in one large dose or in several smaller doses. It is mandatory to take all of the medicine, even when one starts to feel better before the person is done.
Treatment would help to get rid of the parasite, but one might still get it again. Some people get trich again within three months of the treatment.
The sex partner or partners are also required to be treated, even when they do not have any symptoms. Do not have sex for seven to ten days after treatment. The doctor might want to test one again before one has sex. Talk to our Gytree’s experts to get the right guidance on STIs prevention and treatment.
Side effects of treatment for trichomoniasis:
These medications might cause:
- nausea or an upset stomach
- a metallic taste in the mouth that might disappear as soon as the treatment is done .
Preventing reinfection of trichomoniasis:
When the person has trichomoniasis then all sexual partners are required to be treated regardless of whether they have symptoms or not. It is recommended that either one has no sex at all or goes for completely protected sex that is use a condom before any physical contact occurs until the treatment is completed for both the person and their partner.
Recurrences of trichomoniasis could occur:
Occasionally, trichomoniasis might even recur after the initial infection has been treated. When this happens, consult the doctor, who might prescribe a longer course of treatment.
Trichomoniasis Complications:
When the person does not get treatment, trich could lead to other health problems.
It could raise the risk of getting or spreading other STDs. when the person has HIV, it might make one more likely to spread it. It is recommended that females having HIV get tested for trich at least once every year.
How does trichomoniasis affect a pregnant person and the baby?
Pregnant people suffering from trich are more likely to have their babies early. When the person is pregnant, trich might make one give birth earlier than expected. The baby might have a low birth weight, that could raise the chances of health or developmental problems. It is rare, but the baby might also get trich as they go through the birth. One could get treated for trich while pregnant, so talk to the doctor about one of the best options for one.
Trichomoniasis Prevention:
The only way one could totally avoid trich is to not have vaginal sex. one could take other steps to lower the chances of getting it:
- Always use latex condoms. Because one could get or spread trich through contact alone, thus make sure to put on the condom on early, before it touches the vagina.
- Avoid douching. The vagina has a natural balance of bacteria to keep one healthy. When the person douches, they removes some of those helpful bacteria, that could raise the chances of getting an STD.
- Stick with one sex partner who is tested negative for STDs. If that does not work for the person thinking about limiting the number of sex partners might be of work.
- Talk openly with the partners about the sexual histories and potential risk of infection. This could help one make one of the best choices for the self.