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With listening to all the benefits of sunscreen from dermatologists you must be wondering, whether you should use sunscreen in winters too? Do you really need to worry about protection from the sun in winters?
Well, as you should use sunscreens in winters too! Here are 5 reasons why you should use sunscreen in winters:
- During winters you might feel that the sun’s rays are warm or strong enough, so you don’t need to use sun protection. But the ultraviolet (UV) rays continue to break down and harm your skin regardless of the season, resulting in photoaging.
- During winters we tend to sit in the sun for longer time periods to soak the sunlight. By not using sunscreens you might be exposing your body to sun damage without even knowing it.
- You must have noticed that in winters, your skin becomes very dry because of the cold outside. This is because during winters, the environment has less humidity and usually increased wind speeds, which can easily strip moisture from your skin. Using sunscreen in winters can help in sun protection as well as in restoring skin’s moisture to some extent.
- There’s an increased risk of skin cancer, if you don’t use sunscreen. UVA radiation is the primary type of UV radiation, it can travel large distances , and penetrates deeper into the skin. UVB rays, on the other hand, don't travel as far as UVA radiation but they are more powerful, and may cause sunburn and skin cancer.
- In winters, the weather conditions can remove sunscreen and it’s effects very fast. In winters the strong winds and dryness can wear away the sunscreen. That is why, it’s important to re-apply your sunscreens before it wears off.
- Sunscreen provides a screen barrier between your skin and the sun. The ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can penetrate into skin and can cause premature ageing of your, accelerate the development of wrinkles, sunspots, and discoloration.
So, it’s important to apply sunscreen whether during sunny days or gloomy days. Take care of your skin during winters and if you are facing any skin issues, consult a dermatologist.