A UTI or Urinary tract infection is the infection of the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections affect the urinary tract which includes the bladder, urethra or kidneys. The risk of UTI is more in women with respect to men as women have shorter urethra which makes it easier for the bacteria to enter the urinary tract and cause infection. Urinary tract infections are mainly caused by bacterias. In women the urethral opening is very close to vaginal opening and anus and because of having shorter urethra bacteria can easily reach the urinary tract. Kidney infection or pyelonephritis is a type of UTI. They’re not very common, but they are more serious than bladder infections.
Some Risk factors for UTIs are
- Having a history of UTI
- Being Sexually active
- Pregnancy
- Changes in the normal vaginal flora.
- Age (older adults and young children are more prone to getting UTIs)
- Poor hygiene, for example, in children who are potty-training
- Female anatomy
- Menopause
Symptoms of UTI:
- There’s a strong urge to pee all the time but when you do go to urinate, there’s often a very small amount of urine.
- Fever along with chills.
- Burning sensation when urinating
- Foul smelling or strong smelling urine.
- Cloudy looking urine
- Pelvic pain
- Presence of blood in urine
- Irritation in vagina.
What if you get UTI during your pregnancy?
During pregnancy women should be extra cautious about their health. If you see symptoms of UTI then you should get a doctor immediately.
How can you prevent UTIs?
- Try to urinate when you need to. Don’t hold urine for longer in the bladder as it gives a sufficient amount of time to the bacteria to multiply.
- Try to pee after sex.
- Try to wipe from front to back. Wiping front to back after urinating or after a bowel movement can help prevent the spread of bacteria from the anus to the vagina or urethra.
- Avoid using irritating hygiene products like sprays or douches.
Remember that if you find any symptoms of UTI do consult a doctor immediately. Your doctor will determine if you have a UTI by asking about symptoms, doing a physical exam and urine tests and will provide the proper treatment accordingly.