
Vaginal dryness due to menopause: Things you must know about!

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Vaginal dryness due to menopause

The monthly periods that you get because of the menstrual cycle comes to an end with menopause. Once a woman has gone 12 months without having a period, she is considered to be in the menopause phase. Vaginal dryness due to menopause can occur because during menopause, the body experiences considerable hormonal changes. Levels of oestrogen and progesterone fall in particular.

Usually, there is a thin coating of wetness on the vaginal walls. This fluid is released by the vaginal wall cells and aids sperm survival and movement. Additionally, it eases tension during sexual activity. Menopause causes a decrease in vaginal fluids and moisture, which can lead to vaginal dryness.

There are a number of reasons why some people with vagina feel vaginal dryness before or during menopause. Vaginal dryness may also be brought on by or contributed to by the following factors like:

  • Smoking cigarettes
  • depression
  • elevated stress levels
  • immunity-related conditions
  • a few cancer therapies

The body's secretions can be decreased by several drugs. Along with various creams and lotions used on the vaginal region, douching can also result in dryness and discomfort. To lessen dryness and irritation during sex, a variety of over-the-counter vaginal lubricants can be used. These lubricants and moisturising lotions have the ability to alter the pH of the vagina, which lowers the risk of developing a UTI. Women should select a lubricant that is designed exclusively for vaginal usage. The lubricant should ideally be water-based. They shouldn't include artificial colours, herbal extracts, or fragrances. These could irritate the vaginal area

During sexual contact, vaginal fluids and wetness diminish friction. The penetration becomes more easy as a result of this. If there isn't enough lubricant, intercourse might be unpleasant or uncomfortable. Because of the pain involved with sex, vaginal dryness can create changes in your sex life before and after menopause.

Menopausal-related vaginal dryness is a treatable disorder. Treatments for menopausal vaginal dryness include lifestyle modifications, lubricants and moisturisers, and hormone treatments (both systemic and local).

Vaginal dryness is one of the numerous physical changes that can result from menopause. Although it might be unsettling and unpleasant, it is quite curable and controllable.

Your quality of life will be enhanced and your symptoms will be reduced if you consult with your gynaecologist or another healthcare expert to determine the best course of action.

menopause vaginal dryness