
What is osteoporosis and why does it need your attention?

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What is osteoporosis and why does it need your attention?

Verified by Dr. Vaishali Sakpal Rane (MBBS, DGO Obstetrics and Gynaecology, DNB Obstetrics and Gynaecology)

When you hear someone say "osteoporosis," you might picture a centenarian woman, frail and slumped over a walker. However, osteoporosis is not limited to aged people. Osteoporosis affects both men and women of all age brackets. If specific risk factors are present, it can also arise when people are younger.

 Osteoporosis is defined as "porous bones." Although your bones are quite strong, they are made up of living tissue that is constantly breaking down and rebuilding. Until your early twenties, this process happens at a fast pace. However, as you become older, this process slows down. 

The old bone tissue might degrade more quickly than it can be replaced, as you age. This can make your bones more porous and weak, leading to osteoporosis which causes bones to become weak and brittle, making them susceptible to fractures from a fall or even minor stresses or impacts.


Specially women are at more risk of developing osteoporosis because during the menopause the level of estrogen decreases which can affect the bone density.

The best approach to avoid some of the more devastating implications of osteoporosis is to treat it early on. So, what are some symptoms that you should be looking for? Early symptoms of bone loss are uncommon. People frequently may not realise they have weak bones until they break their hip, wrist, or some other bone. Receding gums, weaker grip strength, and weak and brittle fingernails are some of the signs and symptoms to look for as an early detectable sign whereas in the later phases of osteoporosis, one may begin to experience back or neck pain, stooped posture or fracture, loss of height as a compression fracture in the spine can cause one to become shorter. For a proper treatment of menopause related osteoporosis a women should consult a gynaecologist to get a plan for  proper diet and required supplements.

It is vital to understand the risk factors for osteoporosis.

  • Cigarettes smoking 
  • Early menopause - may be surgical or spontaneous
  • Menopause causes oestrogen loss.
  • Low calcium or vitamin D intake
  • Chronic health conditions
  • Oral steroids, chemotherapy, seizure medication, and other medications as prescribed by the doctor 

So, what can you do to avoid this dangerous situation? Doing light exercises regularly, such as walking, jogging, yoga and keeping yourself healthy can benefit you in the long run. A nutritious diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and calories helps in developing strong bones. Women who are predisposed to osteoporosis should also do light exercises cautiously since their bones are prone to fracture.

Symptomps of osteoporosis pain in bone weak joints pain in joints neck pain osteoporosis