
White spots on nails: 7 common causes

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White spots on nails: 7 common causes

White spots on nails are a common occurrence and can be a sign of a number of underlying health conditions. While some causes of white spots on nails are harmless, others can indicate a serious health issue that requires medical attention.

Here are the most common causes of white spots on nails:

Leukonychia - This is a harmless condition that results from minor trauma to the nail bed, causing white spots to appear. This is the most common cause of white spots on nails and is usually not a cause for concern.

Fungal infections - Fungal infections of the nails can cause white spots to appear. If the white spots are accompanied by thick, brittle nails, it may be a sign of a fungal infection.

White spots on nails: 7 common causes

Nutritional deficiencies - A deficiency in calcium, iron, or zinc can cause white spots on nails. This is because these minerals play an important role in nail health and formation. If you have a chronic deficiency, it can lead to thin, brittle nails with white spots.

Psoriasis - This is a chronic autoimmune skin condition that can cause white spots to appear on nails. The white spots on nails can be accompanied by red, scaly patches on the skin.

Eczema - Eczema is another autoimmune skin condition that can cause white spots on nails. This is because eczema can cause damage to the nail matrix, which is the part of the nail that produces new nail tissue.

Pregnancy - White spots on nails during pregnancy are common and are believed to be due to hormonal changes in the body.

Illness - Certain illnesses, such as liver disease and respiratory infections, can cause white spots to appear on nails.

White spots on nails: 7 common causes

While some of these causes are harmless, others can indicate a serious health issue. If you are concerned about white spots on your nails, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause. Explore Gytree’s expert curated dermatology programs to get the right guidance.

In conclusion, white spots on nails can be a sign of a number of underlying health conditions. Some causes are harmless, while others can indicate a serious health issue. If you are concerned about white spots on your nails, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

White spots on nails