
Who is more prone to breast cancer?

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Who is more prone to breast cancer?

Mutations, which are alterations in the genes that control cell development, are what lead to breast cancer or any other type of cancer. The alterations allow the cells to grow abnormally and divide erratically. A risk factor is the condition that increases a person's likelihood of developing cancer. Some risk factors makes a person more prone to breast cancer.

While many risk factors have an impact on how cancer progresses, the majority do not actually cause cancer. Knowing your risk factors and addressing them with your doctor may help you make more informed decisions about your lifestyle and medical treatment. The majority of malignant tumors are sporadic, implying they arise from a person's DNA being damaged by chance after birth. 

Who is more prone to breast cancer?

Some risk factors that you cannot control are:

  • Your genetic makeup
  • Breast cancer in your family history (if any)
  • Ageing
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Having certain benign breast conditions like fibrosis, adenosis
  • Exposure of radiation to chest

Although there are some factors and lifestyle habits that if changed can lower your risk of breast cancer, these are:

  • Consuming alcohol
  • Being fat or overweight
  • Not having breastfed before
  • Birth control
  • Not involving your body into any type of physical activity
  • Not having children
  • Menopausal hormone therapy
  • Breast implants
  • Smoking

While being physically inactive and being overweight or obese have been related to an increased risk of breast cancer, the connection between food and that risk is less obvious. Another risk factor for various other forms of cancer is a diet heavy in fat. And eating certain fats is undoubtedly associated with an increased risk of developing heart disease.

The most effective method to reduce your risk of breast cancer is to concentrate your preventive efforts on those risk factors that can be changed, while also taking proactive measures to monitor the risk factors you can't alter. Monthly self breast examinations and consultation with a doctor are a must to do process for early lump detection. Chance factors are traits and circumstances that raise your risk of contracting a disease. Some breast cancer risk factors, such as having a family history of the condition, being a woman, and becoming older, are unavoidable. However, you may alter certain other risk factors to make yourself less prone to getting breast cancer.

tumor in breast breast cancer