
Why are young women afraid of visiting gynaecologists?

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Why are young women afraid of visiting gynaecologists?

Visiting a gynaecologist is crucial; and not only when you have any symptoms but also for regular check ups or in case of any minor doubt. We all get doubts about our bodies, like if my periods are normal? Why am I missing my periods? Is my vaginal discharge normal? Why does it have a weird smell? And a thousand more questions. But where do we go to address these doubts? Google? Do you ever wonder why we choose google over gynaecologists?

Childhood: Right from childhood, we are taught to avoid question-related about sex and periods. So, we are conditioned to not talk about it. Our mom used to ignore or make fairy tale stories when we asked them about babies and periods. We have never been explained the reason and that explains why we need a gynaecologist. We are surrounded by myths and wrong information and if there is someone who can guide us through the right facts it's a gynaecologist.

The behaviour of Doctors: A lot of patients are afraid of their doctors as they had consultations with some rude and judgmental gynaecologists. The fear doubles, if a gynaecologist's questions are related to your sex life and people feel judged. Some people are also scared about their privacy. 

Unpleasant experience in the past: People often visit one gynaecologist and conclude. There are many gynaecologists out there. If one of them was rude or judged you, doesn’t mean all the gynaecologists are the same.


Most of the gynaecologists that you will meet are non judgmental and will keep your privacy at top of their concern. They may ask questions about your sexual life to diagnose the diseases but in a private way.

Here are few tips to find a perfect gynaecologist:

  • Do your research
  • Look for reviews
  • Take suggestions from friends and family 
  • Try online consultations

So instead of googling your symptoms, it’s always better to consult a gynaecologist to assure that you get the correct diagnosis and right guidance from a person that you can trust.

will my gynaecologist judge me Things to know before visiting a gynaecologist Why not to fear a gynaecologist Why are young women afraid of visiting gynaecologists? Periods women health