
Why is my vagina smelling bad? Reasons you must know about!

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Why is my vagina smelling bad?

Your vagina has its own natural musky scent. It could either be a natural smell or that of a healthy vaginal discharge. During your monthly cycle or at other periods, such as during pregnancy or menopause, your vaginal odour may alter and you might think if why is my vagina smelling bad?

The vagina should *not* smell like roses or a garden of flowers at all! The vagina has some aroma, just as other body regions including the scalp, belly button, and armpits. You must have seen the advertisements for scented tampons and pads that promise you a good smelling vagina. And it appears to us that the world is misrepresenting vaginas yet again amid all that flowery sunlight.

Your vaginal tissue naturally secretes substances that has its own particular smell. This is completely anticipated and typical. Nevertheless, occasionally that odour may appear more strong than normal.

Possible reasons for a stronger or unusual vaginal odour include the following:


Water consumption has benefits beyond merely getting glowing skin, being hydrated is very important. By promoting healthy sweating and fluid flow, it can also benefit the general well-being of your vagina. While you may (should!) wash the exterior of your vagina (also known as the vulva), you shouldn't start by putting water or soap inside your hole. A vagina is, in fact, a self-cleaning body part. It's not just pointless, but it's also risky to wash inside the vaginal canal. Washing within the vaginal canal, especially with aromatic soaps, might disrupt your vagina's normal bacterial composition and pH. The key to being healthy and avoiding strange scents is to maintain proper hygiene. Other vaginal symptoms are frequently present with a vaginal odour that necessitates a visit to the doctor. Schedule a visit with a physician if you encounter any of the following:

  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Discharge
  • discomfort or agony

Additionally, you could have trichomoniasis or bacterial vaginosis (vaginal infection) if you detect a strong, fishy odour (a sexually transmitted disease ). Do consult a doctor if you notice anything unusual!

foul smell from discharge Vaginal discharge