
Why women in India need sex Ed?

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Why women in India need sex Ed?

Sex education appears to be a far-fetched concept in India. Speaking about sex is usually considered shameful and scummy in our "culturally wealthy" culture. Open discussion about sex in the home or in public is frowned upon. Teachers in schools teach the chapter on the "human reproduction process" as though they are committing a crime. They are hesitant to use phrases like Vagina and Penis, which refer to male and female genital parts. When discussing condoms and STDs with students, they experience shyness. When a condom advertising or a sex scene plays on TV or in a film, parents watching with their children become ashamed.

Sex education is crucial because it teaches teen to recognise the differences between men and women's bodies, how babies are born, and how to define and embrace their own gender's roles and responsibilities through sex education.  Sexual education is a type of all-encompassing education. It educates a person about self-acceptance as well as the attitude and abilities required for interpersonal relationships. 

Why women in India need sex Ed?

They get more acquainted with their bodies. 


Knowing your body as a woman is critical. Because these issues are taboo, women are frequently kept out of critical facts regarding their own bodily parts.

It reduces women's naivety 

It is also critical to understand what is normal and abnormal in your body. Once you understand your fundamental body, you will be able to simply comprehend what your body wants and needs. 

It has the potential to minimise female sexual abuse. 

An enlightened woman's sexuality and all that it includes are both facilitated by sex education. She will not be misled by the opposite sex, who may wish to contaminate her by telling her lies in order to satisfy his sexual urges. Through sex education, the girl kid will recognise when she has been molested or told inappropriate sex-related phrases. 

Mother-daughter relationships are strengthened through sexual education.


Sex education promotes and improves the mother-daughter bond. Many people believe that it is the role of mothers, particularly mothers of girls, to educate their daughters about sex and sexuality. This creates an emotional response in their connection. 

Sex education programme will benefit teens' minds in a variety of ways. Their attitudes regarding sexual and reproductive health and habits will also improve as a result of it. They will be appropriately taught on all pertinent facts concerning sexual behaviours and concerns. It will eventually influence their values, attitudes, and views about sex.

The introduction of sex education in India would encourage everyone—adults, adolescents, and children—to stop viewing it as a taboo subject. It will also undoubtedly contribute to a decline in sexually related crimes, problems, illnesses, and prejudice towards the LGBTQ population.

STD what is std Sex education