
Silence to Strength: Eating Disorders & Body Image

In an era dominated by Instagram filters and unattainable beauty standards, eating disorders and body image issues are more prevalent than ever. Read the article to know more!

Rajnandini Tiwari
New Update

Picture taken from iStock images.

From personal experiences to observing loved ones, I have seen how the pursuit of the "perfect" body can overshadow the joy of self-acceptance. Despite their widespread impact, these issues remain cloaked in stigma and misunderstanding. Let’s delve into the roots of body image struggles and explore ways to cultivate healthier self-perceptions and mutual support.

The Allure of Perfection: A Personal Reflection

I vividly recall a period when I was fixated on achieving theperfectbody. Scrolling through Instagram, I was bombarded with images of flawless skin, toned abs, and the latest trends. I believed that achieving this ideal would solve all my problems. This belief was a deceptive illusion masking deeper struggles. Many women share similar stories. From a young age, we’re taught to equate beauty with thinness and a specific body shape. Conversations among women often revolve around wishing for a different body, reflecting how these unrealistic standards can distort our self-image and interpersonal dynamics.

Understanding Eating Disorders: More Than Meets the Eye


Eating disorders are complex and multifaceted. They go beyond food, representing attempts to control what feels uncontrollable in life. I have witnessed friends battling various disorders, each with its own emotional challenges:

  • Anorexia Nervosa often masquerades as a discipline but can stem from deep-seated feelings of inadequacy. This disorder reflects a desperate attempt to manage internal chaos through external control.
  • Bulimia Nervosa involves a cycle of bingeing and purging, driven by emotional pain rather than mere concern for weight. Witnessing this struggle reveals how eating disorders are as much about emotional suffering as they are about food.
  • Binge Eating Disorder might seem less severe, but it was a significant issue for one of my closest friend. She used food to escape emotional distress, which led to feelings of shame and helplessness. Understanding this disorder requires recognizing it as a way to cope with underlying emotional turmoil.
    Picture taken from iStock images.

People suffering from eating disorders are often very conflicted and feel that controlling their bodies is the only way they can achieve stability as they can't control their environment, says Dr Parul Tank,  psychiatrist practicing in Mumbai.

The Roots of Body Image Issues: A Complex Web

Body image issues are deeply rooted in cultural, familial, and personal influences:

  • Cultural Influences: We are constantly exposed to images dictating what we should look like. Magazines and social media often depict a single, narrow standard of beauty, leaving many feeling inadequate.
  • Family Expectations: Even well-intentioned comments about weight from family members can instill insecurity and doubt, leading us to measure our worth by our appearance.
  • Personal Struggles: Experiences like bullying or failed relationships can exacerbate body image issues. Personal trauma often drives individuals to seek control over their bodies as a response to feeling powerless.

A Path to Healing: Embracing the Journey

Recovery from eating disorders and body image issues is a personal but achievable journey. Here are some steps toward healing:

  1. Seek Professional Help: Reaching out for help is one of the most crucial steps in recovery. Therapists, dietitians, and doctors offer the support needed for healing. If you’re struggling, seek out our Gytree professionals.
  2. Focus on Self-Care: Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment can aid in healing. For me, rediscovering old hobbies, practicing mindfulness, and appreciating my body’s capabilities rather than its appearance are pivotal steps.
  3. Promote Body Positivity: Embracing and encouraging body positivity is essential. Celebrate your uniqueness and challenge the harmful beauty standards imposed by society. By promoting body positivity, we can foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone.

Let’s break the silence surrounding these issues. By discussing our struggles openly, supporting those in need, and celebrating diversity, we can start the journey towards healthier body images and self-acceptance. Let’s take this step together with understanding and compassion.

We are an information-gathering blog. For all medical interventions, please consult a registered medical practitioner.
eating disorders