
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) : An escape from OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is one thing that has taken a toll over this generation and has become one big concern both regarding general wellness and mental health and here is how to combat and deal with it.

Janhavi Bardale
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OCD or Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disorder that is caused among people due to a pattern of unwanted thoughts and desires that are often difficult to overcome. These thoughts are normal if looked at it in a different perspective but they get in ways of daily important tasks which may get difficult and irritating at times. 

Shedding Light on OCD Treatment: A Path to Recovery

Symptoms in OCD :

OCD has symptoms which begin little but may grow into being greater problems at times. This includes both obsessions and compulsions which usually don't have a specific reason behind them. But these might cause problems in daily rituals and routines and hence have to be addressed sooner. Symptoms such as :

  1. fear of dirt
  2. uncertainty 
  3. keeping things at their usual places and keeping them in an orderly manner.
  4. horrific thoughts
  5. aggression regarding certain issues.
  6. intense stress 
  7. fear of being contaminated
  8. sleeplessness due to certain disturbing thoughts  

Cognitive Behaviourial Therapy:

Initially till OCD was addressed as a serious problem , people around the world did not find it worth a psychotherapy or even a medical treatment. Like they say "necessity is the mother of all inventions" and that is exactly what happened , people realized the need to cure OCD and that is when , CBT came into play.

It was believed that OCD cannot be cured but it was when CBT was intoduced that people realized it can be solved. CBT suggests other type of therapies than counselling for problems that include trauma , panic , stress , social phobia and even eating disorders , addictions and etc. Although one can opt for traditional therapies but CBT comparitively requires less time and solves a variety of problems. CBT helps the patient to understand and explore different ways of curing their OCD. It consists of two subtherapies that include Cognitive Therapy and Behaviour Therapy. CBT says that a person's thoughts are incontrollable or voluntary and this is the very reason why a person should try being their own therapist. 

This therapy , allows and eases the patient to realise the roots of their intrusive thoughts and try to avoid them.It also helps the patient to recognise their compulsive behaviours , such as seeking reassurance and etc. 

CBT is only helpful for people who actually know where their OCD roots from and its responsibility is to make them realise that it is not their thoughts are responsible for the problem rather it is how big they make the problem itself.  

Mental health CBT OCD OCD Treatment