
Postmenopausal Heart Health- What to expect?

February is also dedicated to awareness and education about heart disorders under the “American Heart Health” banner. Understanding the risk of heart ailments in postmenopausal women is crucial for timely intervention. Read to know why!

Johanitha Moraes
New Update
Postmenopausal heart health

Photo taken from Canva Stock Images

Menopause is a pivotal landmark in a woman’s life. It ushers along with it waves of change in the lives of women who have crossed 45-50 years of age. It marks an important phase in a woman’s life physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically. Taking care of oneself in this stage is crucial especially when your hormones are not at their best. We are well aware of the characteristic symptoms of menopause and the physical changes it brings with it. From combating hot flashes, night sweats and menopausal symptoms, we are acquainted with how to deal with reproductive issues and their consequences after menopause. 

Little do we know that a much bigger problem is hidden amidst the narrow walls of our chest in the lives of the women who have entered their menopausal journey. And this is your heart health. That one muscle that never gave up on us even in the toughest of situations, our heart! It is important to be aware of the changes, risk factors and diseases your heart will be prone to post-entering menopause. 

We all know of February as the month of love, symbolic of hearts, due to the occurrence of Valentine's Day. But February is also the American Heart Health Month which is dedicated to the awareness of heart issues and encouraging practices to take care of one's heart health. This month is committed to shedding light on this essential topic so that women no longer encounter delayed recognition, diagnosis, and treatment for cardiac events, such as heart attacks.

Firstly, do we need to worry at all about our heart health? Does menopause significantly impact the fitness of our hearts? What is the connection? Understanding the importance of this association will significantly help in empowering women with timely knowledge and intervention about cardiac ailments. 

Postmenopausal heart health
Photo taken from Canva Stock Images

Why is Postmenopausal Heart Health important?

Due to the paramount changes that occur in women after they attain menopause, they are exhausted physically and mentally. With the estrogen levels declining, they are more prone to changes in cardiovascular health. There is a visible increase in the deposition of fat in and around the abdominal region. Obesity coupled with hormonal imbalance predisposes postmenopausal women to greater chances of getting affected by cardiovascular ailments. Therefore, taking good care of one's heart health post-menopause is vital! 

Changes Post-Menopause that impact heart health 

Your body is already suffering through the natural process of ageing. Many physiologic and metabolic processes are disturbed, senescence sets in and your health gradually deteriorates if not taken care of. Apart from this, your blood sugar, blood pressure, obesity and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) are all elevated beyond normal. This shifts your body into a completely unhealthy setting that is disastrous for your health in the long run. 

This makes your arteries more thicker and stiffer, making them more susceptible to damage and cardiovascular problems. Due to the plaque building up inside your arteries called as atherosclerosis and due to the increased levels of fat circulating in your body, blockages might arise in your arteries. This will decrease the amount of blood flowing to your heart due to the blockages. This is called Angina or chest pain which occurs when one suffers from an acute episode of lack of blood flow to the heart. As the blockage keeps on increasing, the narrowing of the arteries increases and the blood flow to the heart might stop. This may result in myocardial infarction or heart attack as we commonly know. 

Postmenopausal heart health
Photo taken from Canva Stock Images

It's never too late! 

It's never too late for women, especially post-menopausal women to understand the severity, risk and factors contributing to this problem and take effective preventive measures to be safe. The preventive measures can include rectification of your lifestyle choice to reduce cholesterol, diet plans, and control of addictions and habits. Visit the Gytree Shop to purchase essential supplements that will boost your overall well-being. Make it a point to work out and do some form of physical activity that keeps your body active and moving. The preventive measures are elaborately explained in this article

Consult our Gytree experts if you seem to be experiencing any symptoms of heart issues like pain and discomfort after normal activities. With knowledge and awareness available at our doorstep like never before, it's time we make use of it and seek help before it's too late. Reward your heart for everything it's been doing for you since day 1. It's your turn! 

heart health postmenopausal heart health