
How to do regular exercise

The workout requires motivation and strength. Motivation requires a goal. Your body's general wellness can be improved through regular workouts and weight lifting.

Chitransha Sharma
New Update

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Everything in life is guided by a purpose. Motivation lasts for a day, but your purpose fuels your motivation. Workouts require motivation and purpose to keep us moving. We are all aware of the benefits of exercise and movement. When we move, our body releases happy hormones like endorphins and dopamine. Instead of seeking dopamine from unhealthy habits like doom scrolling, one should adopt healthy habits like sunbathing, exercising, completing a task, etc. 


Exercise, whether done at home or in the gym, can be beneficial in the long run. Lifting weights and building muscles can be helpful in old age. What most people lack is motivation and a reason to go to the gym every day or exercise at home. They often use time as an excuse and skip working out. When we take care of our bodies, we practice self-love and acceptance. 

Ways to motivate yourself


There are a lot of ways to fuel our motivation and keep taking care of our bodies. 

  • If you are beginning to exercise, you must know that for the first 10 days, your muscles will be sore and will hurt. That is not the time to stop. Stretching can help prevent sore muscles. 

  • Schedule your workout days on a calendar or on the phone. Fixing a routine helps us organize our days better. Discipline is the key. You need to set a fixed time to exercise. 

  • Use a method of accountability. You can make use of social media, where you can post check-in and check-out posts. You can also make use of apps that have reminders. 

  • A reward is a great way to motivate ourselves. You can reward yourself with your favorite meal or activities you enjoy.

  • Set a challenge for yourself. People on social media use this method to set routines. You can take a 15- or 30-day challenge.

  • Do not skip exercise during your periods unless you are very sick. Exercise can help alleviate cramps, and dopamine and endorphins can help boost your mood. 


These are some of the most basic ways to get a regular workout. You can begin slowly with walking and gradually advance. You must realize that exercising is not an extra activity; it is a necessity to lead a healthier life. 

