
The AM Rituals : your guide to a better morning

All the early risers, UNITE! Only the ones who wake up early in the morning will understand how a good AM routine makes a difference in their functioning for the rest of the day. Here are a few tips to go from calm to chaos.

Janhavi Bardale
New Update
The Power of a Morning Routine: Investing in Inner Balance and Self-Care

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I have lived with my parents for most of my life, to be precise 18 years. I was woken up by my mom, my dad used to make me tea and pack my lunchbox. My mom used to bathe me and dress me up in school. As I grew up I used to do everything bu myself but I never realized that I needed to have a routine. As I shifted to a new place for college, I found that I never really lived my mornings, I just glided through it. Now that I have to do everything by myself, I know my morning routine is the only thing I can count. 

What counts as a morning ritual?

Anything that is done consistently without a break till it becomes a habit is known as a ritual. These include cultural or individual practices that bring organization into someone's life and lead to a better-managed schedule. Not only does it bring a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction but it also assures that whosoever follows a ritual gains a maximized output. 

The Power of a Morning Routine: Investing in Inner Balance and Self-Care
image taken from canva stock images 

What should you include in your morning ritual?

An ideal morning ritual may look different for different people. Some may feel that meditating helps them while for some reading a book may be equivalent to meditation. But if you are new to making a morning ritual for yourself , here is what you can think of including in it.

  1. Meditate: meditation is the activity which brings mental peace and stability. It has also been proven to prevent hypertension and stress. It helps in calming you brain, slowing down the heart and breathing rate. 
  2. Journaling: a lot of people find peace in saying their gratitude while going to bed but journaling is also a way of doing it just by writing it down and in the morning. It is a great way to track personal growth, let out your feelings, and put your ideas to life. 
  3. Exercise: the best way to take care of our physical health is by having a workout routine in the morning. It is also the best way to reduce blood pressure, improve muscular strength, and reduce anxiety and depression. Including a sprint or a jog in the morning workout also helps you be one with nature and improve your senses.
  4. Breakfast: fun breakfast ideas on the go such as a smoothie bowl, overnight oats or a green salad brings excitement in your morning. Having a breakfast plan is one way to look towards better mornings. A fully grown adult must have atleast 3 meals a day which includes breakfast as well. It also takes care of the fatigue that work pressure may cause. 
  5. Make a to-do list: making a to-do list in the morning is a way of planning your day out. Having a list of all the things handy keeps you sane and you do not have to juggle between a hundred things at once. Start with small things on the top such as dusting your car and then move to things that take time. In this way you do more work without getting tired. 

Benefits of a strong morning routine

Like we discussed above a good morning routine helps us rejuvenate, reset and refocus on the day. It also helps in improving mental health and overall wellbeing. 

  1. It reduces stress and anxiety
  2. Helps you feel energized and nourished
  3. Improves productivity 
  4. Helps in time management 
  5. Structures your day.

These were the benefits of having a morning routine and a ritual. One should practice it daily to make it a habit and ensure more productivity. You may alter your routines according to what suits you and your occupation the best. 

General wellness Morning habits