
When Sudha Murty said 'Menopause' to Mr Murthy…

Menopause is a challenging phase for women to navigate through without guidance and information. Sudha Murty, former chairperson of Infosys opens up about her experience of Menopause. Take notes young ladies as the OG woman herself speaks!

Johanitha Moraes and Menopause Reporter
New Update
Sudha murthy

Photo taken from The Better India webiste

The phase of menopause is a significant transition in a woman's life, bringing about a multitude of emotional challenges and trials. It is a time marked by the cessation of menstruation and the fluctuation of hormones, leading to a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms. Emotionally, menopause can evoke feelings of loss, as women grapple with the end of their reproductive years and the changes it brings to their identity and sense of self. 

This loss can be compounded by societal expectations and stereotypes surrounding ageing and menopause, leading to feelings of never being enough. To add to all this, hormonal fluctuations during menopause can trigger mood swings, night sweats, irritability, hair loss, anxiety, and depression, further worsening emotional distress. 

Photo taken from Meitra Hospital 

Sudha Murty opens up about Menopause


Let's listen to all about menopause and its gravitational impact on women from none other than the OG eminent philanthropist, Sudha Murty, the former chairperson of Infosys Company, who is also known for her humility and her acts of social service. Sudha Murty is an icon, a role model for all those young women out there who believe that women can succeed and leave their mark in any field they choose. Just like she did!

Who better to hear it from than Sudha Murty herself about her experience of the transition to menopause and the various changes it brought with it? In an exclusive interview with Shaili Chopra, the dynamic Founder of Gytree and SheThePeople, Sudha Murty opens up about Menopause. 

When asked whether someone spoke to her about menopause, Murty affirmed that yes she knew all about menopause and its effects right from the beginning as her dad was a gynaecologist. She said she knew right from the beginning about periods, menstrual health and of course about menopause. She said her dad used to put it this way- When you attain puberty, your hormones are at their peak, so you're at the peak of your youth with beauty radiating and your skin glowing. 

“Menopause is not a disease”- says her father

She acknowledged the efforts of her dad in equipping her and her sisters as well about menopause. She also said that her dad cautioned them that as and when menopause hits you, a day will surely arrive when there will be a hormonal retreat. He said you shouldn't consider menopause to be a disease, it's the withdrawal of hormones, a very normal part of life. 

Her father’s wise suggestion for her was to bravely accept this phase, he said when menopause hits you, you should distract yourself and get busy with your life around. You should make it a point to not let menopause get the better of you, was her father's advice. About Periods her dad made it very clear to the ladies of the house that menstruation is a part of a woman's reproductive development "It's not a curse or something impure”, he said.

Photo taken Times of India

Changes that came with Menopause 

When asked whether Sudha Murty was scared to embrace menopause despite all the awareness and information she received, this was her answer. “Absolutely not, I clearly understood my signs of transition into menopause and accepted it as it came. I knew that I should now make significant changes in my routine and life. I knew that I should be walking more often, and exercising more, and I should accept that my skin will now wrinkle. I know I will notice butterflies on my cheek, I may put on a little more weight, and I may sometimes feel down and dejected while high in spirits at other times. I was ready for it.

Mrs Sudha Murty suggested that women navigating through menopause should often engage themselves in activities they love doing. Be it watching a movie, spending time with family, grabbing a glass of chair and reading your favourite novel, just make sure you keep doing what makes your heart most happy. 

The surge of emotions during Menopause 

When asked how she prepared her family for this significant change, she opened up about the mood swings she experienced. She narrated how her children were out one fine day and remembering them, she began to cry. She admitted that when her children left abroad for higher studies, she never wept this way. Sudha Murty realized that this was all because of the surge of emotions due to the effects of menopause. 


In conclusion, she candidly mentioned that she had warned Mr Murthy about this transition beforehand. She told Mr Murthy “If I am ever upset without reason, think it's a hormone retreat, laugh over it and don't take it seriously, it's Menopause”. 

Coping with these emotional challenges requires resilience, self-compassion, and support from loved ones and healthcare providers. Consult our Gytree experts to help you navigate through this phase with ease. It's essential for women journeying through menopause to prioritize self-care, seek understanding and validation, and explore coping strategies that resonate with their personalized needs. 

menopause sudha murty