
Summers and Periods- How to Conquer Your Cycle When the Heat is On?

Summer! Sunshine, beach days, and... oh yeah, periods. Let's face it, periods can be a hassle any time of year, but throw in summer's scorching temperatures and increased activity, and things can go from poolside paradise to period purgatory. Read how.

Johanitha Moraes
New Update

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Summer! Sunshine, beach days, and... oh yeah, periods. Let's face it, periods can be a hassle any time of year, but throw in summer's scorching temperatures and increased activity, and things can go from poolside paradise to period purgatory. But fear not, ladies! Here's a survival guide to help you manage your flow and keep summer sizzling.

Do Period symptoms worsen? 

Think your period symptoms get worse in the summer? You're not imagining it! Studies suggest hot weather can actually intensify cramps. Why? Our bodies work hard to regulate temperature, and during menstruation, prostaglandins – those pesky chemicals causing cramps – also contribute to a slight rise in body temperature. So, your body's already battling the summer heat, and then your period throws another fire on the thermostat!

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Dehydration is a co-enemy

Dehydration is a no-no anytime, but especially during your period. When you're dehydrated, your body retains more fluid, which can lead to bloating- not exactly the beach bod most of us are aiming for. Here's the science- adequate water intake helps your body flush out excess sodium, a key culprit in bloating. So, ditch the sugary drinks and grab that H2O, aiming for around 8 glasses a day (or more if you're sweating it out!).

Tips to cope with your periods this summer! 

1. Cotton is Your Summer BFF:

Let's talk materials. Synthetic fabrics can trap heat and moisture, making you feel even sweatier and potentially leading to irritation down there. Opt for breathable, loose-fitting cotton clothing during your period. Think flowy sundresses, comfy cotton shorts, and breathable underwear.

2. Period Producs:

Tampons or pads? The choice is yours, but consider this: tampons can disrupt the natural vaginal flora, especially in hot weather. Pads might be a more comfortable option in the summer heat, allowing for better airflow. If you do choose tampons, change them more frequently (every 2-4 hours) to avoid discomfort and potential bacterial growth.


3. Light Exercise:

We know, exercise might be the last thing you want to do when you're feeling crampy. But hear us out! Light exercise, like a brisk walk or some gentle yoga poses, can actually help alleviate cramps. Physical activity releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones that act as natural painkillers. Plus, staying active helps regulate blood flow, which can further reduce cramps.

5 Pelvic floor exercises for vaginismus: How to do them.
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4. Pack Smart for Period Emergencies:

Being prepared is key! Always carry a small pouch with essentials like pantyliners, pain relievers, and wipes in your bag. This way, unexpected leaks or cramps won't derail your summer fun.

5. Listen to Your Body:

This might sound obvious, but it's crucial. If you're feeling extra tired or crampy, take a break! Don't push yourself to keep up with that high-intensity workout or beach volleyball game if your body needs rest. Prioritize your comfort and well-being- a relaxing afternoon read under an umbrella can be just as enjoyable as conquering that obstacle course.

Consult our Gytree experts for more information about this. Remember: Periods are a normal part of life, and they shouldn't hold you back from enjoying summer. By incorporating these tips and being kind to yourself, you can conquer your cycle and keep your summer sizzling!

Periods summer