
Sports and Mental Health : how mental health and sports are coherent

Sports and mental health go hand in hand. There is almost no sport that is not affected by mental health. The coaches often say if your brain stays healthy, your body stays healthy. Let us see the intersection of sports and mental health up close!

Janhavi Bardale
New Update
How regular physical activity gives you a cheerful life.

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Vinesh Phogat, the wrestling wizard, is known for her top-notch dedication and strength in her game. The recent news of her being disqualified from the Olympic finals has held the internet at gunpoint. The news made everyone breach for oxygen because of the reason she was disqualified. It was a matter of 100 grams overweight, 100 freaking grams? Does that really make a difference? How much does it matter? No questions answered but the only thing we know is that it cost us her retirement from the game. But more than anything it cost her mental health! How can that be tackled? Maybe, there is no solution to this and it will always leave an imprint on her life. But should one give so much importance to their mental health during sports? If yes, why? If no, why not? Let us see.

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How do sports make a difference?

We often hear people saying that they train in sports to keep their physical health sane. Not only this but it also keeps a check on mental health. Sports calms your mind and enhances your metabolism at the same time. They have certain psychological benefits as well such as sports help to moderate stress by balancing the amount of hormones released in the body. It also helps in improving one's mood and calm them down. It also helps in fighting anxiety and depression which is one growing concern between this generation. Another great contribution of sports to mental health is the quality of fighting addiction


Additional aspects:

Not only does sports help in this but it also brings control over an individual's diet which is one great way of finding what is good for your health and what is not. Many people who deal with the issues of OCD and ADHD have also benefitted as sports bring discipline into their lives and help them manage their work accordingly. 

Just as sports have a positive effect on our mental health even mental health has a role to play here. A person requires self-motivation and intrinsic motivation which can be brought about only when your mental health is good. It brings awareness to the athletes and helps to cope with pressure. 

This was how sports and mental health function hand-in-hand. It becomes extremely necessary for an individual to make sure that their mental health is on point to succeed in sports and in the same way their sports should take greater leaps to keep them mentally sane.

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