
Tea : a drink for the soul

Tea , a beverage that changed the way the world looked at breakfast. The only beverage that is almost as cheap as water but serves so many expensive health benefits. Wanna know how , lets get into the article!

Janhavi Bardale
New Update
Green tea extract

Everyone has a routine that they strictly follow , right? My routine is strict enough I guess. Waking up , making a hot piping cup of green tea with a dash of lemon in it even before I brush my teeth and making sure that I finish it before it cools down. This is what a great morning looks like to me. 

Tea traces its roots from the plant Camellia sinensis which has been cultivated in many parts of the Asian continent since many centuries. Although tea was introduced in India quiet late but the benefits of it were well known and revised by everyone across the globe. The types of tea depends on the ways the leaves are harvested and fermented during the procedure.

Tea types and their benefits 

Although a lot of people stick to the OG tea leaves , water , milk and sugar tea but the ones who are a fan really know that there exists a wide variety of teas which also vary in the benefits they offer. Every tea has its own fair share of fragrance , health benefits and taste. Let us have a closer look at the type of teas and their benefits:

  1. Green Tea: one of the most famous type of tea is green tea. Doctors , actors , fitness enthusiasts and people with flat tummies are a huge fan here! Green tea has a great metabolism rate that also positively hampers the digestion. These are the most less fermented kind of leaves and hence the lighter colour. This tea is beneficial for avoiding cancer in bladder , breast , lungs , stomach , and pancreas.

    2. White Tea : white tea is also a derevative from the same plant where you get green tea from. White tea is a great supplement if one has to focus on weightloss. It is also super benificial for diabetes.

    3. Oolong Tea : the leaves for this tea are harvested when the tea leaves are between green and black tea. This tea is well known for its properties in reducing bad cholestrol and increasing the production of good cholestrol. 

   4. Herbal Tea :

-- Chamomile: is made from dried and fermented chamomile flowers and is beneficial in debarring insomnia , fighting stress and in sleep.

--Ginger: this tea is filled with antioxidants which is responsible to reduce inflammation , soothes nausea , and releives constipation.  


--Lemon: lemon tea is great for keeping the heart healthy. 

--Peppermint: this tea speeds up metabolism , helps with digestion , and relieves stomach pain.

The benefits of tea have not been hidden from anyone. Tea boosts your immune system , reduces inflammation , and acts as a shield against cancer and heart diseses.  


health benefits green tea extract Nutrition