
Does the same protein work for both men and women?

Women and Men are built differently and even nature agrees with it. Even if the number of bones in our bodies are the same, the metabolism differs a lot. One thing that makes the most difference is protein. Let us have a closer look at it.

Janhavi Bardale
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"That's how you do it, my girl!" said my gym trainer. Looking at me being able to do the same number of pull-ups as my brother. "I am so glad that they raised a woman like you. I am even more glad that they raised a son like him." He told us to slow down and get down the bar after a tiring and full-blown workout session. He made us our post-workout protein shakes and handed over our shakers to us. But it was not the same protein for both of us and that was when this question hit me, 'does the same protein work for both men and women?' Being someone who is always busy finding equality, my trainer was in awe when I asked this question. He sat me down and explained what the real thing is. 

How does protein differ according to sex?

The universe has made the male and female bodies different, and the nutrition requirements also differ according to the same. The male body is composed of more lean mass whereas the female body has a higher amount of fat mass. Due to this lean mass, the male protein requirement is higher than the female protein requirement.

The major difference in the protein powders is seen when the calorie count is mentioned. A man's end goal may be achieving a muscular body and this can only be fulfilled by the consumption of protein powders which are high in calories. On the other hand, the female metabolism is built to process more of nutrients such as iron, amino acids and vitamins and hence a protein powder that weighs less in calories and more in such nutrients is important.


What should an ideal protein for women contain?

While looking for a good protein for yourself, there are a few things that you should take into consideration. You should also register the fact that protein powders are supplements but your health majorly depends on the diet you consume. 

Fuel your Fitness Journey with Protein Powders- The Protein Palooza
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We, at Gytree, ensure that the protein women consume is useful to them till its maximum limit. The cherry on the top is that the protein we make is vegan and plant-based. The protein powder contains ashwagandha, Shatavari, curcumin, monk-fruit, grape seed and green tea extract. All these ingredients ensure that any nutrients that the body maybe deficient of are provided using the supplements.

Experts have also advised the consumption of such proteins which focus primarily on the:

  1. maintaining hormonal balance
  2. boost immunity
  3. reduce inflammation
  4. enhance metabolism
  5. improve skin and hair vitality

This was all about the contents of a good protein powder. This was how the protein for men and women should differ due to the difference in their metabolism and body types.

Benefits of protein protein Protein powder