
Hair Loss? Dull Skin? Zinc Deficiency might be the cause, here’s why!

Zinc, a trace mineral, might seem insignificant, but it's a mighty player in our body's well-being. It's involved in over 300 enzymes, playing a crucial role in everything from cell growth to immune function. What are the symptoms of its deficiency?

Johanitha Moraes
New Update

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Imagine this: you wake up one morning to find your hair, once your crowning glory, looking limp and lifeless. Your skin, usually dewy and bright, appears lacklustre. You shrug it off as a bad night's sleep, but days turn into weeks, and the lackluster look persists. This, my friend, could be a sign of a hidden culprit- zinc deficiency.

Zinc, a trace mineral, might seem insignificant, but it's a mighty player in our body's well being. It's involved in over 300 enzymes, playing a crucial role in everything from cell growth to immune function. When these tiny warriors are in short supply, the whole performance gets thrown off, and the first signs often appear on our largest organs- our skin and hair.

Let's take Sarah, for instance. A busy marketing executive, Sarah thrived on deadlines and lattes. But lately, her once manageable hair turned into a frizzy mess, frequent hair loss and her skin, usually clear, became breakout-prone. Frustrated, she raided the beauty aisle, trying every new product under the sun. Yet, the shine refused to return. It wasn't until a visit to her dermatologist that the culprit was revealed- zinc deficiency.

So, how does Zinc keep our skin and hair healthy?


Here's the backstage magic:

  • Zinc for Glowing Skin: Zinc helps regulate oil production, keeping breakouts at bay. It also aids in collagen synthesis, the protein that gives skin its youthful elasticity, doing away with dull skin. Think of zinc as the architect behind a firm, radiant complexion.
  • Zinc for Luscious Locks: Hair is made of keratin, a protein that requires zinc for its production. A zinc deficiency can lead to weak, brittle hair, prone to breakage and split ends. Zinc also keeps the scalp healthy, preventing dandruff and promoting healthy hair growth.

But Sarah's story isn't just about vanity. Zinc deficiency can also lead to a weakened immune system, making us more susceptible to infections. It can affect our sense of taste and smell, and even slow down wound healing.

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“Zinc is a powder-packed mineral that takes care of your skin and hair. Our food does contain zinc but our lifestyle and our influenced dietary pattern do not enable us to complete its requirement and dosage.” says nutritionist Chahat Vasdev.

What are the symptoms of Zinc Deficiency?


Here's how zinc deficiency might announce its unwelcome presence:

  1. Often, the first signs appear on our largest organ, the skin. What was once smooth, dewy skin might become dry, flaky, or prone to breakouts. Zinc helps regulate oil production and collagen synthesis,and without it, our skin loses its youthful resilience.
  2. Our once-luxurious locks might declare war, turning brittle, breaking easily, and losing their shine. This is because zinc is essential for keratin production, the protein that gives hair its strength and structure.
  3. Zinc is a key player in our immune system's army. When zinc is deficient, our soldiers become weak, leaving us more susceptible to infections and taking longer to recover from illnesses.
  4. Zinc deficiency can also affect our sense of taste and smell. Food might suddenly seem bland, and enticing aromas might disappear. This can further dampen our appetite and overall well-being.
  5. Healing wounds requires a well-coordinated effort within our body. Zinc plays a role in this process, and its absence can lead to delayed wound healing, making even minor injuries linger.

So, what causes this silent thief of shine?

Several factors can contribute to zinc deficiency, including:

  • Dietary choices: Vegetarians, vegans, and people with restrictive diets might struggle to get enough zinc from their food.
  • Digestive issues: Conditions like Crohn's disease can hinder zinc absorption.
  • Certain medications: Diuretics and some antibiotics can deplete zinc levels.
Benefits of zinc in PCOS
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The good news?

With a few simple tweaks, you can restore your zinc balance and get your glow back!

  • Dietary Boost: Include zinc-rich foods like oysters, red meat, poultry, beans, lentils, and nuts in your diet.
  • Supplements: Consider taking a zinc supplement after consulting your doctor.
  • A Balanced Approach: Remember, a healthy diet and lifestyle are key. Manage stress, get enough sleep, and prioritize gut health for optimal zinc absorption.

Visit the Gytree Shop to purchase our Biotin Gummies which are enriched with this vital mineral. This gummy will aid in solving all your skin, hair and nail issues! 

Consult our Gytree Experts for more queries and concerns. 

By addressing zinc deficiency, Sarah wasn't just treating her lacklustre appearance, she was investing in her overall health. Remember, healthy skin and hair are a reflection of what's happening inside. So, listen to your body's whispers,and don't let a silent thief steal your shine!

hair loss Dull skin Zinc deficiency