
Yoga for two: Yogasanas to do during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases in a woman's life. It takes every bone and muscle in her body to make it worth it. Some people believe that it is incorrect to lift heavy during pregnancy but there is nothing that yoga can't solve. Let's see.

Janhavi Bardale
New Update
5 Yoga postures for a healthy body

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"There is almost nothing that Yoga can't solve." This is very true. Be it the journey of getting fitter or be it the prenatal period in a woman's life, yoga is a great addition to your schedule. A lot of people still believe that a woman during her pregnancy should not bend over, stretch, or lift heavy as it may be harmful to the child. But the irony is that if a woman practices yoga and stretching daily, it might help her deliver normally without going for a c-section. Practicing yoga also keeps the to-be mom away from mental tiredness that may occur during the 9-month journey. Hence, it is safe to say that yoga can help manage pregnancy-related discomforts and prepare the woman for childbirth and heavy labor. Let us have a closer look at all the yoga asanas that are safe for a pregnant woman.

Yoga for Women: 10 Poses for Strengthening Physical and Mental Well-being
image taken from canva stock images 

5 Poses for Pregnancy:

  1. Marjariasana: also known as the cat or cow pose is an asana that might be super helpful for a woman who is in her first or third trimester. This asana involves stretching the spine and keeping the belly in the air which helps in releasing the tension. It might be of great help if a woman frequently experiences back pain. Not only this but it also helps in enhancing blood flow and developing reproductive organs. 
  2. Konasana: this pose is better when practiced in the first trimester. It helps in strengthening the uterus and in relieving constipation. One of the advantages of this asana is that it helps in the betterment of blood circulation.
  3. Virabhadrasana: popularly known as the warrior pose is safe when practiced in the second and third trimesters. This asana helps in strengthening the arms, legs, and, lower back. It establishes a connection between the body and the mind which ultimately enhances stability and mental health. 
  4. Trikonasana: known as the triangular pose is extremely helpful in restoring balance. It supports the lower back and enhances the digestive system of the pregnant woman. 
  5. Badhakonasana: this pose is believed to trigger labor in pregnant women. The butterfly posture in this asana improves the flexibility of the pelvic region and reduces fatigue during labor as well. 

Keep in mind these things: 

Whenever you try and practice these asanas there are a few things that you might have to beware of to avoid any accident or injury.

  1. Do not exceed your limits. Although the pose might feel simple to you in the beginning but you might never know where the pressure suddenly increases and things go out of hand.
  2. Along with practicing the yoga asanas focus on your breathing as well. Inhaling and exhaling also hold equal importance. 
  3. Keep support near yourself at all times. Make sure that you keep your posture straight during asanas. 
  4. Don't overdo and hold the yoga asana poses for exceeded time limits which may increase unnecessary pressure on your stomach, back, and feet. 
  5. Try to keep meal gaps 1 hour before and after the yoga sessions.
  6. Keep water handy.
  7. Make sure to practice all these asanas on a soft mat.

Take Away: 

Yoga during pregnancy has proven to be extremely helpful for both the mom and the child. It helps in blood circulation, breathing, and the development of organs, and most importantly helps with labor. But before you start practicing any of these, make sure to take advice from your gynecologist.  

yoga poses yoga for women yoga