
Body Hair and The Choice

Body hair is a natural part and one should not feel ashamed of their body. Get comfortable in your skin and see the magic of self-love unfold.

Chitransha Sharma
New Update
Body hair

image is taken from Study Breaks Magazine

Why do people believe that hair on the head and on the hands or legs are separate entities? Especially for women, body hair is considered unattractive. Since childhood, girls have been told to wax, shave, and remove their. Boys with body hair are expected to have matured, and girls with body hair are told to get rid of it to look mature and attractive. 

This is another gender stereotype bugging the lives of women. There are a million ways men and women have been distinguished, and the removal of body hair is one of them. Even amongst men, the ability to grow a mustache or beard is more masculine and is shamed otherwise. 


Why do we have body hair?


Body hair is a natural aspect of the human body. In cold regions, mammals survive because of their thick, hairy coats. The hair in our nose protects it from dust and foreign particles. Our eyelashes are present to protect our eyes. Pubic hair is meant to safeguard the reproductive tracts and body parts from chaffing. These are a few functions of body hair. Our bodies have evolved, humans moved from cold to hotter regions and therefore started removing body hair to adapt to their surroundings. This was not because of any pressure or beautification process, but a tactic for survival. 


Recently, we witnessed a horrendous incident where a 10th-grade topper was trolled on social media because of her facial hair. It was devastating to learn that she regretted getting the best grades since it made people aware of her and encouraged trolling. Is this how people react to a 16-year-old's academic success? This story is one of many that happen every day on social media and in real life, where people find imperfections to point out and often neglect the impact of their judgment.  


The Choice

Just like clothing, body hair removal should also be a person’s choice. In 2024, the theme of inclusivity and body positivity will take center stage. Unrealistic beauty standards are being scrapped, and people are carving a space that suits them. Removal of any type of hair from one’s body should be safe, one’s choice, and not guided by pressure. Again, one should go through all the facts and then go for these procedures. There are a lot of options available today that are painless and affordable.


Beauty lies in our hearts, not in our bodies or hair. In the 21st century, we must look beyond looks and focus on other imperative aspects like health and mind.


Hair body positivity