
Salicylic acid : uses , benefits , side effects

Skincare is gaining importance at an alarming rate. People are getting more and more conscious about the way their skin looks and presents. Let us see how Salicylic acid comes handy here.

Janhavi Bardale
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Effective skincare routine to manage acne: 8 products to look for!

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Salicylic acid , a product all chemists and drugists have handy. Reason , the sudden popularity it has gained. Be it acne or be it dead cells , salicylic acid has a cure for all. Salicylic acids belong to the class of drugs known as salicylates. 


One should do a patch test before you completely start using salicylic acid. Use a coin sized amount on or around the skin affected with acne. One should use the salicylic acid serum or lotion atleast twice a day to see constant results. You should wash and clean your face before you put the serum in order to ensure that the medication is placed properly and starts showing its effects soon. 

Side effects 


One may be allergic to salicylic acid and face side effects but most common side effects include peeling , burning , or redness. People normally face allergic reactions to many drugs but it is extremely important to consult your dermat or pharmacist about it. It may also cause serious allergic reactions which include rash , itching , swelling , severe dizziness and etc.


  1. Acne : salicylic acid reduces inflammation and redness of the acne and the acne scars. This is because it unclogs the pores and reduces dead skin.
  2. Exfoliates dead skin : salicylic acid acts as a peeling agent that exfoliates dead skin.
  3. Pores : salicylic acid dissolves impurities , unclogs ores and removes the blockages and congestions.
  4. Oil control : salicylic acid regulates sebum production and control excess oil production.

Salicylic acid has many advantages over other skincare products because it has multiple benefits at the same time. One should use it for regular results which turn out to be great for the brightening and rejuvenation of the skin. One of the most effective steps in your skincare routine should include salicylic acid but remember that anything you do should be cross checked by a dermat beforehand.

skin Skincare glowing skin