
Lipcare 101 : tips to pout-perfect lips

We are very habitual in paying attention our skin and hair but we often forget to take care of our lips. Lips often dry out and get chapped quite frequently. Here are a few tips for your lips to have on your fingertips.

Janhavi Bardale
New Update
7 home remedies for dry lips( Lip care Routine)

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Have you ever wondered what makes your face look utterly beautiful? Your lips! But no one ever told you how important it was to take care of your lips. Your lips may get parched and chapped at times due to certain climatic conditions or changes in skin type. However, one can follow a simple few-step lip care regimen to make them butter smooth.

The lips might get dry, cracked or at times even inflamed. Using a lip balm or a chapstick often helps but keeping them handy also becomes a job sometimes. There might be certain reasons that your lips may not seem like your real skin and these may include: sunburn, cold weather, medical conditions which include allergies, vitamin deficiency or dehydration. 

7 home remedies for dry lips( Lip care Routine)
image taken from canva stock images

Anyone who is keen on a good lipstick application must know how to take care of their lips and here is your break:

  1. Hydrate: when you wash your face, make sure you also cleanse your lips thoroughly. Use a moisturizing balm consisting of good hydration and SPF. Make sure to apply the balm almost 2-3 times in a day to keep them hydrated throughout.
  2. Exfoliate: use a fruit scrub or a scrub containing moisturizing pearls and scrub it with the help of your fingertips. Don't be too harsh on the lips and let the scrub sit on your lips for at least 10 minutes. Rinse with water and put on a good lip balm to follow it up.

The extras to good lips

Everyone should feel the need to be extra cautious about the way their lips feel and here is what all you can do:

  1. Avoid touching or licking your lips too often
  2. Make sure to drink enough amount of water to keep the lips hydrated
  3. Keep a lip balm handy
  4. Your lip balm should certainly contain SPF
  5. Remove your lip makeup after a long day and moisturize it again when necessary
  6. Keep them away from dust to make them feel less dry and chapped.

DIY at home 

DIY your personalized lip care treatment at home with these home remedies:

  1. Coconut oil
  2. Aloe vera
  3. Honey
  4. Cucumber juice
  5. Lemon
  6. Almond oil
  7. Beetroot
  8. Green Tea

These were all the ways in which one can take care of their lips and avoid them from chapping and drying out. Make sure to moisturize, exfoliate and keep them hydrated throughout.

dry skin skin