
Early to bed, early to rise: your ideal nighttime routine

It is extremely important for us, as a generation of genZ to make sure that we get a good sleep after all the hard work that we are supposed to do for the whole day. This article throws light on how one should frame their nighttime routine.

Janhavi Bardale
New Update

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Everyone around us is busy in their hectic lifestyle. Be it at work or at home, no one gets enough sleep and rest. An average human needs at least 7 hours of good and undisturbed sleep. But only a few fortunate ones are able to match up to that time. But what do you do when you come back home from a hectic day and get time to rest? Do you really rest or do you start increasing your screen time in the name of relaxing? 

Although it may feel that scrolling on your phone for hours relaxes your brain, what is really does is destroy your peace. You don't feel like sleeping anymore and neither do you feel like waking up and getting your work done! Little do we observe that we don't only tire our brain, eyes, and body but there is also an addition of anxiety, stress, and depression. This article will help you deal with all the problems that may lead to a bad sleeping pattern and suggest you better ways to promote better sleep.

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Setup a better working schedule for yourself:


Only a good and exciting schedule for the next day can help you get to rest and keep you motivated throughout. A person who is all set with what she or he has to do tomorrow and has a to-do list by their side can know where the day is going to go. A planned day is a little less tiring than others and also a little less rushed.

Cut down the amount of caffeine intake:

Caffeine consumption is one of the prime reasons why people are unable to sleep on time. The caffeine hit makes you proactive hence reducing the amount of sleep you take on days. You can make sure to avoid caffeine at least 6 hours before sleep to avoid such problems.


Meditating a few minutes before going to bed is what really relaxes your mind and body to the fullest. More than physical peace, mental peace is important. It also prevents your brain from circling into random anxious thoughts and similarly keeps your brain sane.

Read a book instead of scrolling on the screen:


A screen strain is harmful due to the rays that it emits and hence experts often advise people to read a book before going to sleep to avoid the negative stress. A book strains the eyes and promotes sleep.

Build a ritual: 

A nighttime ritual may include doing your skincare and showering. Taking a shower with piping hot water relaxes your muscles. Dim the lights and let your eyes release the strain. Along with taking a shower make sure that you brush your teeth because it makes you feel even more fresh.

These were all the things one can do to promote sleep.

Along with following all this you also have to make sure that you avoid two very important things: 

  1. Lying wide awake in the bed, not allowing yourself to sleep.
  2. Sleeping for too long also disturbs the sleep cycle. 

A night of good sleep has become a key factor in all daily routines to take care of the mind and the body at the same time. Only a personalized nighttime routine can help you tackle your hectic day.


power of sleep adequate sleep Sleep how much sleep