
Microplastic contamination in food: everything inedible

This world is becoming more plastic than blood and flesh, which is scary. Almost everything has plastic in it. The last place where we expect plastic to be is food, but even that isn't spared. Let's see what microplastic contamination does

Janhavi Bardale
New Update

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It has been almost more than 10 years that the governments across the world have banned the use of plastic bags which were used to carry goods. Plastic derevatives such as thermocol, LDPE and HDPE have been banned for any use in the commercial market. All these things found alternatives and hence were banned but the one place that could not find an alternative was the plastic packaging for food. These plastic packaging containers contain stabilizers, lubricants, and plasticizers. This article will focus on what do microplastics mean and how they contaminate food?

What are microplastics?

Plastics are artificially made chemical compounds that react with environmental conditions such as heat and moisture to break down into smaller fragments called microplastics which can contaminate food easily. Containers such as single-use plastic bottles cling wraps, and food cans contain traces of microplastics. These microplastics contain abundant amounts of chemicals such as bisphenol A, dioxin, phthalates, polyethylene and polypropylene. 

image taken from canva stock images 

What effect does microplastic contamination in food have on your body?

Athough the plastic packaging is cheaper for the industries but they do not take into consideration the harmful effects it has on our bodies. These chemicals are toxic and harmful to human health. Below are the adverse effects it has on our bodies.

  1. Increases the risk of chronic diseases: long-term exposure to these microplastics may develop the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Added health issues such as inflammation, high blood pressure, low insulin and unbalanced blood sugar levels are also triggered by the contamination.
  2. Degrading immunity: these microplastics are harmful for the gut and immune system. These are responsible for the increasing numbers of bad bacteria hence leading to degrading immunity.
  3. Disturbing hormones: the working of hormones such as estrogen, testosterone and insulin is easily hampered by food contamination. It disturbs their natural functioning and leads to adverse health effects. 

How to curb this condition?

The industry and commerce always looks after their benefit and what is feasible for them. Hence, it becomes our sole responsibility to make sure to curb the contamination. One can reduce the consumption of highly processed foods such as ready-to-eat sandwiches, french fries, icecream, soda, and canned juices. Choose foods which are packed in eco-friendly containers like bamboo lunch boxes, reusable steel, and glass containers. Experts have found that reducing the use of such plastic containers at home ultimately reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Not only this but it also avoids the contact of such harmful chemicals with foods hence facilitating the proper functioning of all body systems. 


Microplastics linked to heart attacks microplastics