
How much sugar is too much sugar?

They give personifications of people being as sweet as sugar but do you know how scary sugar can get? The biggest enemy in the eyes of mankind , is an enemy for a reason. Let us have a closer look at how sugar is a foe.

Janhavi Bardale
New Update
Breaking Free from Sugar Cravings with these 10 approaches!

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Sugar. A habit that comes to you in time and sticks to you like a clingy girlfriend. People have always been in two minds while talking about the intake of sugar , whether it should be consumed regularly or not. Everything we consume in our diets have their fair share of sugar present which is one reason why sugar cannot be avoided completely. It is important to consume sugar because it is responsible to maintain the energy supply in our body. 

What , Why , When of sugars

What is sugar and what does it do?

Sugar is a compounds that occurs naturally in carbohydrates, which includes fruits , vegetables and dairy. It is the best source of glucose which is ultimately responsible for maintaining the constant energy supply in your body. A good intake of sugar definitely has a positive impact on your body but excessive sugar consumption is fatal for health.


Why is the amount of sugar consumption an important topic to tap upon?

Although sugar occurs naturally but there is fair chance that one may encounter the intake of added sugar in high amounts in the form processed foods like juices , wafers , bakery and other dairy. This is usually done in order to enhance the existing flavor and to extend the shelf life as sugar is a great preservative as well. Excess sugar is held responsible for obesity and diabetes and moreover heart health. Sugar hampers the cardiovascular activity negatively and may cause tract blockages.

When does one start or stop the consumption of sugar?

Like we said above , sugar is extremely important to maintain the energy flow in the body but the amount of sugar  intake that is allowed can vary from babies to children to men and women. Children below the age of 10 can be given sugar according to a daily count but women should consume no more than 100 calories and for men the count maybe 150. 

Risks of high sugar intake

  1. Can be the prime reason for weight gain.
  2. Increases the risks of heart disease 
  3. Causes skin problems such as acne and blisters
  4. Increases the risk of diabetes
  5. Increases cell ageing 
  6. Increases fatty liver 
  7. Kidney failure risks
  8. Hampers dental health 
  9. Develops gout

Substitues for sugar

Experts , whenever questioned that one may replace daily processed sugar with substitues or natural low calorie options like honey , maple syrup , or etc. But here are a few options to replace sugar:

  1. Stevia
  2. Monk fruit sweetner 
  3. Allulose 
  4. Dates 
  5. Yacon syrup
  6. Honey 
  7. Maple syrup
  8. Molasses 

Substitutes of sugar do not promise anything but that you will be able to cut down the intake by large amounts. Sugar is healthy till restricted amounts but everything has bottom line. Paying attention to your diet as a whole is what is the best option for anyone who finds it difficult to cut anything down later. These were a few insights on what sugar does and impacts negatively on your and how it can be avoided. 


why too much sugar is bad How sugar is bad for your health? Excess sugar