
What Happens When You Stop the Birth Control Pill?

For many women, birth control pills are a constant companion. They regulate periods, tame PMS, and, of course, prevent pregnancy. But what happens when you decide to call it quits on the pill? Is it smooth sailing, or will your body throw a tantrum?

Johanitha Moraes
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birth control pill uses

Photo taken from Canva Stock Images

For many women, birth control pills are a constant companion. They regulate periods, tame PMS, and, of course, prevent pregnancy. But what happens when you decide to call it quits on the pill? Is it smooth sailing, or will your body throw a hormonal tantrum? Let's explore the potential effects of going off birth control, from the good, the bad, and the in-betweens.

Hormonal Shifts After Ditching the Pill

The pill works by delivering a steady dose of synthetic hormones, essentially putting your own hormonal cycle on hold. So, when you stop taking the pill, it's like hitting the reset button on your reproductive system. Here's what you might experience:

  • Return of the Period Party (or maybe a hiatus): Your period might return within a few weeks, or it could take a few months for your cycle to regulate. Don't panic- your body is just getting used to being back in the driver's seat.
  • Mood Swings, Welcome Back (Maybe): Hormonal fluctuations can sometimes trigger mood swings, similar to what you might experience during PMS.
  • Skin Shenanigans: Some women experience changes in their skin, like breakouts, after stopping the pill. This is because the pill can regulate oil production, and going off it can cause your skin to adjust.

Potential Benefits of Ditching the Pill

While there can be some adjustments, going off the pill can also bring some positive changes:

  • Hello,Libido!: The pill can sometimes dampen your sex drive. Ditching it might lead to an increase in libido for some women.
  • Natural Cycle, Natural You: Getting back in touch with your natural cycle can be empowering for some women.It allows you to better understand your body's rhythms.
  • Fertility Freedom: If you're ready to start a family, going off the pill allows you to conceive naturally.
birth control pill uses
Photo taken from Canva Stock Images

So, You're Thinking of Breaking Up with the Pill?

Here are some things to consider before making the switch:

  • Talk to Your Doctor: Discuss your reasons for wanting to go off the pill and explore other birth control options if you're not ready to conceive. Consult our Gytree experts if you seem to be experiencing similar 
  • Be Patient: It can take a few months for your cycle to regulate after stopping the pill. Don't get discouraged if things don't go back to normal immediately.
  • Track Your Cycle: Monitoring your cycle with a period tracker app can help you understand your body's new rhythm.

Stacy Sun, assistant professor in Obstetrics & Gynecology at UR Medicine who specializes in complex family planning confirms that “You can stop birth control mid-cycle, have your IUD removed, or stop getting the Depo-Provera Shot at any time. If you’re taking the pill, patch or ring, the cycle doesn’t actually exist. It’s on forever pause”.

Ultimately, the decision to go off birth control is a personal one. There's no right or wrong answer, and what works for one woman might not work for another. By understanding the potential effects and talking to your doctor, you can make an informed choice that's right for your body and your plans. Remember, your health is your journey, and you're in the driver's seat!

Birth control pills Birth Control