
Why Drinking Enough Water is Key to a Happy Mind

Everybody knows water is our life's very essence and makes up close to 60% of our body. It is here for a reason, and that reason is something very basic: it is here to help keep the engine of our bodies running all smooth.

Rajnandini Tiwari
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Picture taken from iStock images.

So much is said about the physical benefits of water, and in the process, we forget how it dovetails into our mental health. Staying adequately hydrated is not only very important for our bodies but for our minds as well. Let's take our thirst somewhere beautiful and find out how consuming enough water can boost your brainpower and leave your mood stable.

Boosting Brainpower

A huge chunk of our functioning is inside the brain, and much hydration is critical to sustaining its functions. Even mild dehydration can disturb your ability to concentrate and think clearly. Neglecting to drink enough during the day can result in experiencing difficulties with focusing or forgetfulness. Easy tasks may seem hard when you are mildly dehydrated, so you become more prone to mistakes and confusion.

Managing Your Mood Swings


Water isn't just about keeping your brain sharp it's also essential for a stable mood. Not getting enough water can make you more anxious, stressed, and tired. When we're dehydrated, our body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, making us more anxious and edgy. On the other hand, when we're well-hydrated, it helps regulate the hormones in our brain to make us feel balanced and happy.

If it is difficult to get peaceful sleep then maybe detox is the key to that too. A dehydrated individual may find their mouth and nasal passages dry hence being unable to breathe at night properly. In such cases, the likelihood that you rest well is minimal, only to get up the next day feeling quite miserable and tired. Keeping up with your fluid intake can help ensure good sleep quality and waking up feeling refreshed.

Stress Management

One of the most important features for maintaining good mental health is managing stress, and water surprisingly has a big part in that. Frankly, if we are dehydrated, our physiological systems become a bit more stressed out, which results in feeling tenser and more prone to results. Being hydrated allows our bodies to keep things like stress in check, thereby keeping our internal systems balanced and calm. It can also be an easy opportunity to take a moment, sip on some water, practice being present, and practice self-care.

Hydrate and Stay Happy

  • Have a Water Goal: Plan to drink roughly eight glasses of water a day. You might need more or less, depending on the amount of activity and the weather.
  • Keep the Water Close: During the summer, always keep water close by, whether at the desk in your office, on a hike, or running errands. With a water bottle close, staying hydrated will be easy.
  • Munch Your Water: Munch on fruits and veggies with high water content, for a hydration boost alongside essential nutrients.
  • Listening to Your Body: Pay attention if your body is trying to make you understand that you need more fluids by inducing thirst, a dry mouth, or lethargy, and make an effort to drink more.
  • Counter the Caffeine and Alcohol: Put the brakes on those drinks that contribute to dehydration: coffee and alcohol. Keep a watch on optimum hydration levels.

The relation between water and mental health is quite evident: hydration is key to keeping your thoughts clear and your mood in a good fashionable way. Prioritizing hydration in your life, with a routine developed around it, can make for a peppy mental well. Remember a well-hoisted body supports a happy mind, the formula for a healthier life.


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mental wellness