
Your Brain needs Strength and Training

Exercising can help enhance your mental health. This article discusses the importance of exercise and movement to keep our minds healthy and stress-free.

Chitransha Sharma
Updated On
New Update

image is taken from True Elevate

We all know about the importance of all-round good health. A good home-cooked meal, a good 1-hour workout sweat session, and quality time with our loved ones. Isn’t all that we need to sustain a good life? Good food keeps our organs and bodies safe and working, exercise keeps us active and motivated, and time spent with our loved ones or doing things we love keeps our minds in good spirits.

As much as our bodies, our minds also need rest, care, and motivation. People fuel their minds in many ways, for instance, by writing and reading, painting, singing, exercising, and taking therapy. There are different forms of recreation and rejuvenation. Your mind is a powerhouse; it needs all kinds of rest and movement. Like our muscles, our mind needs bending, stretching, and movement.

Impact of exercise on your mind

Exercise releases happy hormones, like endorphins or the ‘feel-good’ hormone. Endorphins are released to reduce anxiety and stress. Endorphins cause runners to experience a euphoric afterglow known as "runner's high." The release of testosterone is also a great factor in keeping our brains healthy. 


Moving and working out can help heal depression and anxiety. Dopamine release after exercise can help alleviate stress, fear, and a depressive mood. 

Exercise has shown positive results in the cases of PTSD and trauma survivors. It helps form new neural connections and boosts the release of happy hormones.

Regular workouts can also help boost self-esteem and build strength and confidence. It keeps you active, and you sleep better.

How to start

You can start slow and move to more advanced levels of training to feel good about your body and mind. A 15-minute walk can help you in ways you cannot even imagine. You can take music with you during your walks to keep you motivated. You can work your way up to yoga or gym training to achieve higher levels of satisfaction. 

What most women suffer from is not taking time for themselves. You do not need to spend hours doing yoga or going to the gym; you can start slow and small. Exercise is done to feel good about yourself, and it is a process. Do not blame yourself or feel guilty for days you cannot work out.


Keeping your mental health in check requires self-acceptance and also forgiving yourself for past mistakes.

Mental health